The Next Generation

Transitioning from high school to the broader world of work can be daunting for many students. The annual Bath County Career Xplosion seeks to bridge this gap by providing 5th- to 12th-grade students a platform to explore various career paths within our community. This event exposes students to different professions and facilitates networking opportunities for local businesses and organizations to connect with future employees.

At the heart of the Bath County Xplosion is its mission to empower youth by exposing them to diverse career options. Recognizing the importance of informed decision-making skills, the event invites students to engage with professionals from various industries, offering them valuable insights into potential career paths. By providing this exposure at an early age, the Career Xplosion aims to inspire and guide students as they navigate their educational and career journeys.

One of the many highlights of the Career Xplosion is the opportunity for students to interact directly with industry professionals. Michael Farish and Sean Armstrong, Network Technicians at Lingo Networks, exemplified this engagement during the event held on April 12th. Their presence not only introduced students to the field of telecommunications but also showcased the passion and dedication required in their line of work.

Farish and Armstrong’s participation went beyond merely introducing students to their profession; they actively shared their knowledge and experiences. By bringing tools of the trade and demonstrating practical aspects of their work, such as fiber splicing, they provided students with a firsthand glimpse into the telecommunications industry. Such hands-on experiences are invaluable in helping students understand the real-world application of the concepts they’re learning in the classroom.

In addition to benefiting young students, events like Bath County Career Xplosion play a crucial role in fostering connections within the community. By bringing together educators, students, and local businesses, the event creates a platform for collaboration and mutual support. Educators gain insight into current industry trends through interactions with industry professionals like Farish and Armstrong, which can inform their teaching practices and curriculum development.

The Career Xplosion is not just about career exploration. It also focuses on expanding opportunities in rural areas, bridging the digital divide. By showcasing the possibilities within the telecommunications industry, the event inspires students and contributes to the socioeconomic development of rural communities, making it a significant step towards a more connected future.

The Bath County Career Xplosion is a beacon of opportunity for students, educators, and local businesses like us. Through its focus on career exploration, hands-on experiences, and community engagement, the event paves the way for a brighter future for Bath County’s youth. As students left the event with newfound knowledge and inspiration, they became more equipped to make informed decisions about their academic and career pathways, ultimately contributing to the growth and prosperity of our community!

We’re so excited to see where these bright, young students invest their talents in the coming years! We may be biased, but hopefully a handful of them were inspired by and want to follow the footsteps of Michael and Sean!


Bringing Fiber to Rural West Virginia


Passion for the Power of Connectivity