A growing threat to your security

There’s a lot of information on the internet, including your personal or business information. This includes your conversations, memories, ideas, creativity, connections, information, credentials, and your entire social identity. One of the biggest internet concerns today is cybersecurity. Cybersecurity is the practice of deploying people, policies, processes, and technologies to protect organizations, their critical systems, and sensitive information from digital attacks.

From large corporations to hospitals to the computers in your own home, everyone is susceptible to a cyber attack without proper protection. The fallout from the cyber attacks has far-reaching implications. It’s estimated that by 2025 damages from cyber crimes will cost the world $10.5 trillion dollars annually.

One of the biggest mistakes individuals make when it comes to cybersecurity is thinking their information is too insignificant for a cybercriminal to target. Remember, cybercriminals are often casting a wide net to capture lucrative information like your credit card number or social security number. Your information, along with thousands of other people’s information, can get caught in that net. To the cybercriminal, you’re just one of many. For you, the damage from a cyberattack or identity theft can be life-changing.

One of the biggest mistakes companies make regarding cybersecurity is thinking their information is protected when it isn’t. In fact, a study released in the Global Data Risk Report revealed that only 5% of online company folders were adequately protected, yet only 57% of companies are doing a cybersecurity audit every year. The ramifications of a cyberattack on your business can be devastating, causing significant financial loss and loss of trust with your customers. Sixty percent of small businesses can’t recover from a cyber security attack and will close their doors forever within six months.

Amidst the chaos of a cyber attack, you must also contain, disable, and disarm everything connected to your online accounts, as well as your internet altogether. Then you must go through the long recovery process, creating new personal/business accounts and financial accounts, and resetting all passwords. If it wasn’t clear already, prevention is the most cost-effective and powerful way to prevent cybercrime from impacting your life.

Luckily, Lingo Networks offers a solution, so you, your family and your business, employees, and customers remain protected from hackers, viruses, and other cyberattacks. Antivirus and Cybersecurity software was created for the same reason we all have installed locks on our doors that require specific unique keys to enter. You may not expect anything bad to happen to your information or understand why anyone would want it, but if it isn’t properly secured, your whole life may be in the hands of criminals with devastating effects.

Here at Lingo Networks, we partner with Avast Security to ensure best-in-class cybersecurity, protecting you and yours. For just six dollars a month, we safeguard you and your trusted technology.

If your business hasn’t had a cybersecurity audit on at least an annual basis, we strongly encourage you to take advantage of our free audit. This is an essential first step in understanding the best way to protect your business.

For more information about cybersecurity and ways Lingo Networks can keep you protected, please call (540) 712-0300 or email today.


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