New Year, New Goals

It seems like it was just yesterday that we were rolling into 2022. This past year has gone by quickly but was certainly action-packed along the way. In reflecting on all that occurred in 2022, I wanted to outline just a few things that MGW and Lingo Networks accomplished throughout this past year. 

Both VATI fiber projects are well underway. We have a lot to be thankful for in these accomplishments, considering the hindrances, including supply chain issues, amongst other unusual happenstances. The areas focused on for this past year were Deerfield, McDowell, Middlebrook, and Swoope.  

One of the biggest internal undertakings this past year included a new billing system that tied how we communicated, kept records, received/completed work, and interacted with our customers. This new system condensed almost 15 different stand-alone products into a single platform that communicates from the front of the house to the back of the house and with our customer base. It was a substantial undertaking (lasting nearly a year in total implementation time). This product has really allowed the MGW and Lingo Networks companies to continue to serve their customer base better with the newest technologies.  

Another exciting development the MGW and Lingo family had this past year was the purchase of all the remaining Comcast facilities in Bath County and Goshen markets. This purchase will allow our companies to serve many additional customers in the upcoming year(s).  

While what I’ve mentioned above in no way, shape, or form does our 2022 accomplishments any justice, I do want to take a second to outline some exciting new goals and projects for the upcoming year.

Included in one of the VATI fiber projects was a complete upgrade to our infrastructure for our core network. These upgrades bring the latest technologies to not only August, Bath, Highland, and surrounding counties but also future-proof our fiber offerings for years to come. Included in these infrastructure upgrades are increasing and continuing to strengthen our robustness across the network, including further redundancies and fail-safes in the event of substantial power losses and other natural events.  

Also planned for 2023 is the opening of a new office in the Mitchelltown area. The office space is currently being renovated and will serve as a retail storefront for our customers in addition to housing central office equipment.    

In the near year, MGW and Lingo Networks are introducing a brand-new streaming product. MGW and Lingo will be kicking off the product development in the early part of 2023. Stay tuned for more information as we begin the inception of this product and introduction to our customers.  

Being the third generation at MGW and Lingo, our commitment to the area and our customers remains the same today as it was 55 years ago when we started. MGW and Lingo strive every day to bring connectivity, connection, and the world to some of the most rural portions of Virginia. I’m incredibly thankful for every customer that we get the opportunity to serve. Additionally, I’m also thankful for our team of employees that we work alongside each day.  

Happy New Year and Thank you.



Ryan C. Smith, Vice President 


Celebrating these stellar educators!


Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!