A+ Educators: Meet these extraordinary educators!

We’re excited to bring you our second round of A+ Educator Awards for 2022! The A+ Educator Awards highlight talented teachers and school staff that go above and beyond to connect students with learning. Each winner is nominated by their supervisor for their extraordinary contributions. Lingo Networks is also awarding this month’s winners with a gift card to The Clocktower Restaurant in Staunton. Congratulations to these outstanding educators! 

Winner: Kathy Gingerich
School: Grace Christian School
School District: Private School
Position: 1st Grade Teacher

Exceptional Contribution: Kathy Gingerich is an amazing teacher!  You never know for sure who she may come to class dressed as! For Cowboy Day, she’s a cowgirl, for Bear Day, she’s a panda, and for Dr. Seuss Day, she is the Cat-in-the-Hat!  The time and creativity she pours into every class is apparent and a great blessing to our students. Kids leave her 1st grade class with lots of memories and adventures to last a lifetime, including hearing over 100 books read aloud to them in that year! With many, many years of experience in education, Kathy is a treasured resource!

Winner: George McNair
School: Grace Christian School
School District: Private School
Position: High School Guidance Counselor & Social Studies Teacher

Exceptional Contribution: Mr. McNair, a graduate of GCS, is passionate about helping students determine the path God would have them follow upon graduation from GCS and inspiring them to become lifelong learners. In addition to teaching and counseling, Mr. McNair also greatly enjoys being the Varsity Boys Basketball coach. His greatest skill is encouraging others, whether they be students or his coworkers.

Congratulations to our February A+ Educators!


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A+ Educators: Highlighting our local school staff